About James - K8JKU

I'm James, better known in the amateur radio community as K8JKU. My journey into this fascinating world began in 2021 with my Technician license, and I've since expanded my expertise, achieving the General and Extra licenses in 2023.

This website serves as a living journal, chronicling my adventures and activations. From the very start, my goal was to create a personal repository of experiences, equipment configurations, and lessons learned along the way, ensuring a continuous path of learning and improvement.

My passion lies in SSB/Phone operations, and I find immense joy in participating in Parks on the Air (POTA) activations. While I'm often found engaging in SSB, I also indulge in exploring the possibilities of digital modes from my home station.

What captivates me most about amateur radio is the community's ethos of knowledge sharing and unwavering support. Embracing this spirit, I've decided to open up this website to the world. Whether it's to help fellow hams refine their setups or to welcome constructive feedback, I believe in the collective growth of our hobby.

As an enthusiastic member of the South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club (N8SL), I'm surrounded by a group that's as active and passionate about amateur radio as I am. Together, we ensure that the airwaves are never dull!

In addition to my club activities, I am also an organizer for the Michigan Parks on the Air (POTA) meetup. This event brings together amateur radio enthusiasts from across the state and region to share our love for radio and the great outdoors. More information about our events can be found on the Michigan POTA Meetup website.

Stay tuned for more stories from my activations and feel free to reach out on my QRZ page or follow our club's lively engagements on our Facebook page.

Happy hunting, and 73