Discovering the Waves: An Amateur Radio Journey

Starting With Static and Dreams

Welcome to the first entry of my activation journal.

A Nostalgic Spark

My journey into the realm of radio waves began in the most unassuming place: the backseat of my grandfather’s Ford Taurus, coursing through the scenic routes of Northern Michigan. It was there, amidst the analog crackle of CB radio and the comforting background hum of the scanner, that a seed was planted. My grandfather’s tales of the airwaves and his cherished 90's tape deck stereo weren't just stories; they were an invitation to a lifelong passion.

Childhood Whispers Over the Air

As a child, the simplest of devices—classic Walkie-Talkies—became the gateway to my own explorations. Despite my sister's disinterest, these devices were my companions in adventure. I'd spend hours testing their limits, recording transmissions on Windows 98’s Sound Recorder, and pushing the boundaries of their range. Every tree climbed and every block raced around was a personal challenge against the invisible threads of communication.

The Pandemic Pivot

Fast forward to the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the world stood still, and I found the perfect opportunity to rekindle my childhood curiosity. It began as a practical pursuit for off-roading adventures, but deep down, I harbored ambitions of DX-ing and mastering HF propagation. The call to earn my Technician's license was undeniable, and it was merely the first step toward the General and Extra Class licenses that beckoned.

A Union of Passions: Parks on the Air

My experience with Parks on the Air (POTA) may be nascent, yet it's rich with learning and excitement. POTA is more than just a hobby; it's a synthesis of my love for the outdoors and amateur radio. The program not only motivates me to venture into nature but also challenges me to refine my gear. With each excursion, I aim for efficiency—paring down to smaller antennas, opting for QRP radios, and honing my field skills.

To Be Continued...

This blog will be a chronicle of my adventures in amateur radio, from the thrill of remote setups to the serene joy of integrating radio with hiking. Join me as I navigate through the airwaves, share insights, and hopefully, inspire you to embark on your own radio journey.

Supporting N8LEK making is first satellite contact through the ISS repeater


A Foggy Activation at Bald Mountain State Recreation Area (K-3383)