Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup: Building Community in the Great Outdoors

Spring Support Your Parks: A Frosty Fellowship

On April 20th, our South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club hosted a chilly yet heartwarming Spring Support Your Parks event at Island Lake Recreation Area. Despite the light snow flurries, the day turned out to be one of our most vibrant gatherings. We huddled around the fire pit, sharing stories and marveling at various gear setups. The event truly embodied the spirit of the Parks on the Air (POTA) program, emphasizing community and camaraderie. Special thanks to the club member who brought an abundance of burgers and hotdogs, adding to the festive atmosphere.


First-Time Hamvention: A Radiant Experience

My inaugural trip to Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio, during the weekend of May 15th, was an eye-opener. This massive convention is a treasure trove of both radio and non-radio wonders. The networking opportunities and insightful presentations were invaluable. It was thrilling to see famous YouTubers capturing moments with vendors and showcasing the event.


Tips for First-Timers:

1. Pace Yourself: Don’t rush. Take time to explore all the exhibits and activities.

2. Bring Cash: For those irresistible deals at the flea market or vendor stalls, having cash is handy.


While I was eager to see new radio releases, the absence of fresh models from major manufacturers was a letdown. I had hoped for an update to the Icom 7300, but the only new development was the display of an upcoming model tagged as “X60” without much detail.


Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup: A Personal Highlight

The highlight of my recent adventures was the Michigan Parks on the Air meetup at Sleepy Hollow State Park on June 8th. Over 50 enthusiasts from across states like Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, and New York gathered for this memorable event. Despite less-than-ideal band conditions, we collectively made over 1,000 QSOs throughout the weekend.


I cherished the free-flowing, agenda-less format, which fostered spontaneous learning and sharing. Highlights included:

- Satellite Communication Demos: Impressively showcased local Park-to-Park contacts.

- QRP Kit Displays: Enthusiasts shared efficient, small-footprint setups ideal for hiking.

- Equipment Showcases: We tested new gear like the Ham Radio Adventure Guy Gear Man Spike, a handy tool for carbon fiber masts.


The event's success has me excited about future gatherings and the growth potential of this community. For more details and future updates, visit our Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup (https://www.michiganpotameetup.com) website.


My First Kilo Award at Holly State Recreation Area (US-3313)


Embracing the Airwaves and Community Spirit