Winter Magic: A Weekend of Radio Adventure with the South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club

Setting the Scene: A Rustic Cabin in Brighton State Recreation Area

Greetings, fellow radio enthusiasts! Today, I'm excited to share with you an amazing experience from the recent Parks on the Air (POTA) Winter Support Your Parks event, held from January 19th to 21st. Our South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club decided to take this adventure to the next level by renting a rustic cabin in the picturesque K-3384 Brighton State Recreation Area. The charm of the cabin, nestled in the heart of nature, set the perfect stage for our radio activation.

Early Arrival and Antenna Setup

We were fortunate to get an early check-in on Friday, which allowed us to quickly turn the cabin into a cozy radio haven amidst the biting cold of 19 degrees Fahrenheit. The first order of business was setting up our antennas. We opted for two Aerial 51 multiband off-center fed dipoles and an 80m SOTABEAM Band Hopper, aiming for maximum versatility across our three planned stations. My clubmate Louis, N8LEK, set up his Yaesu base station, while I went with the reliable Icom 7300. Initially, it was just the two of us, but as the afternoon wore on, more club members joined, and the airwaves began to buzz with activity.

A Night Under the Stars and Radio Waves

Our first night was a blend of excitement and technical prowess, with operations running late into the night. It was a surreal experience, tuning and talking under the starlit sky until the bands faded around midnight.

A Day of Camaraderie and Antenna Wizardry

Saturday brought an early start and a cabin bustling with club members and guests. It's these moments of camaraderie and shared passion that truly define the spirit of amateur radio. As some members engaged in HF operations, others enjoyed card games and shared stories, creating a warm, communal atmosphere.

The Heart of the Event: Antennas, Contacts, and New Experiences

We also had the opportunity to showcase our club's 40m homebrew vertical antenna, a marvel supported by old military mast sections, always a reliable performer. This day was particularly special for our new hams, who, under the guidance of experienced operators, made their maiden HF contacts.

A Personal Highlight: Contact with KH6CJJ in Hawaii

A personal highlight for me was making contact with Kent, KH6CJJ, in Hawaii, part of the North America QSO party. This contact was not just a thrilling achievement but also a hopeful step towards completing my Worked All States Award.

Wrapping Up: Early Departure and Reflections

Sunday saw us back on the airwaves bright and early, completing another successful activation. However, with the looming Detroit Lions game and the need to pack up, we wrapped up a bit earlier than usual. The challenge of extracting stakes frozen into the ground added a final adventurous twist to our weekend.

In Summary: A Perfect Start to the New Year

Reflecting on the weekend, it was an absolute delight. From the technical aspects of setting up and operating various antennas to the joy of making new contacts and guiding the next generation of hams, every moment was a testament to the joy and community spirit inherent in amateur radio.

The weekend at Brighton State Recreation Area was more than just a radio activation; it was a celebration of friendship, learning, and the unbridled joy of amateur radio. Here's to many more such adventures in the future!


Embracing the Airwaves and Community Spirit


Chasing Dreams in the Airwaves: A New Year of Adventures and Achievements